Tuesday, November 29, 2011


ok today i was asked to pick a tribe that i belonged to, for those of you whom know me  i belong to the apachy indian tribe, but i also belong to the arabic tribe and the muslim teibe, i belong to the skinny jeans tribe and the sleep all day tribe, i belong to the ukulele tribe and the rebel tribe i belong to the brown hair and blue eyes tribe i belong to the teenage tribe i belong to the outgoing outgoing teens tribe i belong to the great skin tribe and last of all i belong to the kind hearted tribe, i may belong to alot of tribes and if you ask ten different people who i am then your going to get ten different answers and thats what i like, this is joey sighning off, stay classy america

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Friday, November 18, 2011

introvert or extrovert

 i regian energy by being with people ,i am a extrovert, i think extroverts have it easier because they are surrounded by freinds that help them with problems, the wourld would be a way more social place, alot of people would just keep t themselfs, partys wouldnt be as fun,i prefer extroverts as my freinds, the better leader would be an extrovert, the introverts would be better writers but the extroverts would be better naighbors, yea the do becuase they balance the social life of people